Here is the contact sheet for the lighting project! I liked this project because I was able to create different shots for my subject (my sister and her friend) and I think they had fun helping me!
This is my dog in black and white with dramatic lighting. I love this picture. Personally, I am a fan of the surprised facial expression. The shutter freaked him out so he turned his head towards the camera.

Creepy, isn't it? Thats my sister behind a bed sheet hanging from the door frame of my parents closet with the lights out. The lighting in the background comes from the light from the window in my parents' bedroom. This was a very fun shot to take, I like how it turned out.
That's me! With a little bit of instruction, I handed my sister the camera and let her take a shot. I promised her she could if she became my subject for the project. It actually turned out pretty well, the lighting is good, and the quality isn't too bad either.